sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2006


Primeira matéria:

World Peace Religion Lambastes U.N. Report of Alliance of Civilizations

Once again the UN drops the ball.

The Alliance of Civilizations was formed 1 year ago by Koffi Annan to ease tensions between Western and Muslim societies. The Secretary General of the United Nations appointed a group of world leaders called the High-level Group to prepare a report which was released today, November 13, 2006.

The U.N. Report states, ?Notwithstanding the critical state of relations between Muslim and Western societies described in the report, the High-level group firmly asserts that there is nothing inevitable or insurmountable in these conditions. Indeed because the causes of current tensions are political ? and not religious or cultural ? they are also solvable.? The report concludes with a list of recommendations.

Here is the response of Karen Fish of The Temple of Love ? The World Peace Religion : ?To put it mildly, I am stunned. Jesus Christ was the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam. Jesus said to the leaders of his day, ?Blind guides! You blind fools! Hypocrites! You snakes, you brood of vipers! How can you escape being sentenced to burn alive on the fire altars of Gehenna?!? (Matt. 23). It is clear that our world leaders today are leading us all into the real live fire of Nuclear World War 3, the Apocalypse, the sudden violent extinction of life on Earth forever.

It boggles the mind that the top minds on Earth have concluded that the problems between the Jews, Muslims and Christians do not have a religious cause. Surely they cannot believe that. They must be so frightened to offend anyone involved in these religions that they have washed these religions? hands of all blame, even if it leads us all into the Apocalypse.

The Temple of Love ? The World Peace Religion has a 10 page website. On these 10 pages we tie every religion together with their common threads. Then we shine the light on our differences, with Biblical citations, and resolve them once and for all through the mouth of God of Mount Sinai aka Jesus Christ, God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim, etc. through every Biblical Prophet in the Old Testament, New Testament and Koran.

Here is our letter to the authors of the report:

?Dear Alliance of Civilizations,
Only The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity Islam Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards World Peace. Only The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion stands between mankind and the Apocalypse. Search "unites Christianity Islam Judaism". There are 1000 results all ours. Please promote The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion by placing our link on every website, in every newspaper, on every TV station, in every classroom, and to all of your contacts in every Country on Earth by forwarding to them this email.
Yours truly,
John Fish?

We also recommend that today every Church, every Mosque, and every Synagogue replace their sign with ?The Temple of Love ? The World Peace Religion.? This is the exit strategy of our God of Mount Sinai from the Middle East Crisis, Iraq, and the coming Apocalypse. It is time that we use our own minds, our own common sense, to save ourselves from the onrushing flames of Armageddon. Staying the course and listening to reports like the report of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations will soon result in the end of life on Earth forever, at our hands. Nuclear World War 3 will be the ultimate murder suicide. Run for your lives and the lives of your children to The Temple of Love ? The World Peace Religion while there is still time. Many people believe that we have already passed the point of no return. Let?s prove them wrong. The continued existence of life on Earth is in our hands. Don?t drop the crystal ball onto the concrete floor like the Alliance of Civilizations just did.?

Fonte - CMI Brasil

Segunda matéria:

As sociedades secretas no tempo do fim - Parte 2

3. Para alcançar uma Nova Ordem Mundial (com liberdades individuais restritas), os Illuminati usariam a estratégia das guerras (“dividir para controlar”), ou seja, fomentar guerras para alcançar o controle das populações (todos os autores concordam que a 1ª e a 2ª guerras mundiais foram fomentadas por aqueles que desejam implantar a N.O.M., e que a atual “guerra contra o terrorismo” é um estágio já avançado desse plano).

4. Outro plano para alcançar o controle da população mundial seria alcançado mediante o uso da psicologia social aplicada, ou seja, centros de alta tecnologia em pesquisas sociais seriam usados para promover estudos e projetos para “controle das massas”. De acordo com o Dr. John Coleman, existem três importantes centros com essa finalidade: o Instituto Tavistock (Inglaterra), o Instituto de Pesquisas Stanford (EUA), e o Instituto para Relações Sociais (EUA). O Dr. John Coleman ainda afirma que o movimento social de contra-cultura dos anos 60 (drogas, sexo e rock) foi idealizado por esses grandes centros de pesquisa.

5. Por incrível que pareça, essas informações são confirmadas por evidências as mais diversas. A nota de um dólar, por exemplo, apresenta no seu verso, logo abaixo da pirâmide que sustenta o olho-que-tudo-vê (símbolo ocultista das sociedades secretas), a expressão em latim “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (Nova Ordem dos Séculos). Essa expressão foi colocada ali em 1935 (o que comprova que o plano para a N.O.M. é antigo).

6. Já o atual presidente norte-americano, George W. Bush, no discurso de posse do segundo mandato, em 20 de janeiro de 2005, fez referência à “Nova Ordem das Épocas”, dizendo: “Quando nossos fundadores declararam uma Nova Ordem das Épocas... estavam agindo com uma antiga esperança de que isso seria concretizado” (lembre-se de que ele pertence à “Caveira e Ossos”).

Fonte - Blog Minuto Profético

"Os seguidores da verdade são agora compelidos a escolher entre desrespeitar um claro preceito da Palavra de Deus, ou perder a liberdade. Se renunciarmos à Palavra de Deus e aceitarmos costumes e tradições humanos, talvez ainda nos seja permitido viver entre os homens, comprar e vender, e ter os nossos direitos respeitados. Se, porém, mantivermos a lealdade a Deus, isto se dará à custa de nossos direitos entre os homens, pois os inimigos da lei de Deus têm-se coligado para esmagar o juízo independente nas questões da fé religiosa e do controle das consciências humanas. ... " (Eventos Finais - Ellen G. White - Pág. 141)

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