terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2007

"Eles podem fazer isso com todos nós."

(Online Journal) -- Politicians are constantly regurgitating a false belief that national security is more important than the rights of individuals. They are willing to do whatever it takes to keep America "safe from the terrorists" -- even at the expense of civil liberties and basic human rights. They attempt to justify oppressive policies and actions that the U.S. and the rest of the civilized world have always condemned as immoral and illegal.

What we desperately need is for someone to explain to the Congress that national security is, and must always be secondary to preserving our civil liberties and ensuring that human rights are our first priority, subordinate to no other goal or interest. We need the Congress to explain the same thing to the president and the courts, in straightforward terms that can't be "interpreted" by clever, smirking administration lawyers to mean anything other than what they are intended to mean.

The thinking seems to be that anything that might be good for the nation automatically outweighs what might be good for the individual, and if there is a conflict between the two, individual rights must be sacrificed on the altar of "national security".

Nothing could be more absurd. America doesn't work that way.
Nota DDP:
A expectativa de cumprimento de algo dito há muito, muito tempo atrás, é cada vez mais premente:
"Quando o protestantismo estender os braços através do abismo, a fim de dar uma das mãos ao poder romano e a outra ao espiritismo, quando por influência dessa tríplice aliança a América do Norte for induzida a repudiar todos os princípios de sua Constituição, que fizeram dela um governo protestante e republicano, e adotar medidas para a propagação dos erros e falsidades do papado, podemos saber que é chegado o tempo das operações maravilhosas de Satanás e que o fim está próximo." Testemunhos Seletos, vol. 2, pág. 151. (Eventos Finais - Ellen G. White - Pág. 131)
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